Direction One

Direction Two

Direction Three

Reformation of Student Representative Council (SRC)

As emphasised prior, a functional student body will perform better with a complete and capable framework or structure. We will explain our plans and goals in detail below. 

First and foremost, we assure in fostering a student body with real power. It is important to understand that the structure of Student Union is superior to the existing Student Representative Council system when it comes to students’ right and interest. Hence, we will attempt a reformation on the current system with reference to the Student Union structure, for the potential conversion of SRC into SU in the future. Apart from that, we will attempt to review on the existing election system for SRC for building a free and democratic campus environment, allowing healthy competition as more students find interest in such elections. 

Meanwhile, we will continue to listen to all voices to help solving issues faced by students. To achieve effective communication, we have decided to set up face-to-face feedback counter for student to speak out the problem they are facing, and potentially provide them the right solution. We too understand that particular students will have trouble in speaking out their condition or issue, and feedback system with anonymity should be an option to be considered. The fellow Faculty Representative Candidates from our team have come to a conclusion to agree that having communication channel to Course Representatives of each courses is crucial for UTAR’s growth. With a legitimate communication channel to respective representatives, all students will finally get their issue or opinion on their courses addressed properly and correctly to reaching the right people. 

Above are some of the main revolutionary visions which we wish to achieve during our serving period. We sincerely hope our voice are heard by you, for your voice be heard by more. The vote in your hand will help in supporting these manifesto directions which we proposed for the goods of everyone. Every pieces of vote for two of our candidates - Ke Qian and Jack Eng, are the greatest support to the changes we are attempting to bring to you. 26 August 2020 will be the judgement day for our auditor candidates Ke Qian & Jack Eng. We have done our best for You, and the rest is up to You. 

Every vote counts, so does Your Voice, Our Voice. 

Choose the Right VOICE! 

今天,我们的团队将会推介我们竞选宣言的第一项纲领——改革学生代表会。诚如我们经常强 调的那样,一个拥有更完善架构的学生代表会对于落实学生愿景来说是事半功倍的,下面就让 我们来详谈一些我们的目标以及计划吧! 首先,我们承诺将会推动建立实权学生会,而在正式的学生会成立之前,我们认为一个更接近 学生会(Student Union)架构的学生代表会(SRC)是非常重要的。因此,我们将会对现有的 学生代表会架构进行重整,以更为贴近学生会的架构,以便日后可以顺利转型为学生会。 此外,倘若获得大家的委托,我们也将会与校方一同检讨现有的学生代表会选举条例,以便可 以建立一个更民主自由的校园,让更多学生愿意投身参与学生代表会的选举,促成良性竞争。 同时,我们认为学生代表会必须时刻聆听来自学生的声音,才能够更好地帮助学生传达并解决 切身的问题。为此,我们将会通过常设面对面学生反馈柜台以让学生们拥有一个平台向学生代 表们叙述所面对的问题。另外,我们认为匿名投诉管道的建立也可以让一部分学生安心倾诉他 们所面对的难题或是窘境。 我们的团队所派出的各学院代表候选人(Faculty Representative Candidate)也认同建立各科系 代表(Course Representativeas)对话管道的重要性。这样一来,各科系学生面对各自科系问 题时也不会遇上投诉无门的难堪局面。我们认为学院代表应该经常与各科系的学生进行对话, 一边可以更了解他们的心声及看法。 以上便是我们对于学生代表会改革的愿景。我们真切地希望大家可以通过手中的一票来支持我 们以落实上述所提到的愿景和计划。大家对我们两位监察员候选人——可芊 Ke Qian 以及健宇 Jack Eng 的支持就是对我们最大的支持。 因此,我们在此呼吁大家在 8 月 26 日一起将手中一票交给可芊和健宇,支持我们的愿景,支 持我们的声音! 选择正确的声音!让我们为你发声! 

Improvement on the campus facility

1. Review issues with Wi-Fi coverage 
For most university students, internet access plays a crucial role on their education journey. According to relevant students’ feedback however, there has been cases of internet inconsistency leading to random disconnection, and the cases are trended to be more prevalent at higher up floors. To process this issue, we would put our focus on reviewing university policy on Wi-Fi and fight for possible upgrades to the existing network coverage. 

2. Evaluate bus schedule 
The bus route planned by the campus has always been deemed to be unreachable and unfriendly by the students for as long as they can remember. Such underlying issues resulted in this potentially resourceful service to be severely underutilised, and many Utarians often have to find alternative solution to their transport. As the voice is heard, we would like to investigate on the existing schedule and arrangement to allow a more passenger friendly service to accommodate students’ need. 

3. Work with residents’ associations, city council and police for neighbouring security issues 
Community safety undoubtedly has strong relation and impact to Utarians life. Being a part of the local community, we will continue to cooperate closely with relevant bodies to monitor and improve the local safety for building a safer campus environment throughout their study period. 

The 3 mains point listed above will be the key focus where we intent to improve. We genuinely think that a fully functional framework can boost our effort for such revolutions. Here stands the two of our candidates: Ke Qian and Jack Eng, who will take part in the election for auditor position in Student Representative Council. 

Every vote counts, it does not only pump us courage to carry on, but also signifies your recognition to our ideology. Be part of something big, and let us show the world the true potential of mere students. 

826, go vote.  


1. 检讨 WiFi 覆盖率 对于大学生而言,网络在课业上所扮演的角色有多重要,相信也不需在此多加阐述。据了 解,部分优大生在其上课所在的楼层常面对网络连接中断,讯号有越往高处爬强度就越弱 的趋势。为此,我们在设施上开出的第一炮将会着重于检讨校方的 WiFi 政策,争取提升 现有的 WiFi 覆盖率。  

2. 检讨学校巴士班次 校内巴士路线不完善、班次编排不友善、普及率不高是由来已久的问题。上述的种种原因 导致这项资源没能被善用,迫使许多优大生必须另行解决交通问题。如获委托,我们将检 讨现有的巴士班次,聆听优大生的反馈,务求让校内巴士在运行上更人性化,以满足学生 的需求。  

3. 与居民协会、市议会和警方合作探讨治安问题 社区与人身安全和优大生的日常生活息息相关。作为社区的一份子,我们接下来也将与居 协、市议会和警方等组织密切合作。在维护社区治安的课题上做出努力,期望能为各位优 大生塑造出更有安全保障的环境。 上述三点将是青年之声在“校园设施”上的着重之处。我们认为,拥有完善的架构将会使得 我们在改革和实现远景的努力上事半功倍。 在此,我们的两位候选人——可芊 Ke Qian 以及健宇 Jack Eng 将在来临的 2020 年度学生 代表会选举中竞选监察员(Auditor)职。您为我们的候选人所投下的每一票,对于我们 来说都是莫大的鼓励,更是给予我们理念的一项肯定。希望大家能在 8 月 26 日踊跃参与 投票,支持对的声音,让我们一同见证学生力量的可能性。 

826,去投票。 选择正确的声音! 让我们为你发声! 

Defending club's and society’s rights 

A brilliant student movement is a memorable part of many university student’s life. We would all imagine the wonderful moments to celebrate, reality often disappoint unfortunately, as the path to strive for what we seemed ‘right’ is full of pitfalls for the unwary ones. Below is a list of matters we urge for fixing as a part to defending the club and society’ rights and interest. 

1. Promoting club and society’s financial autonomy 
It is no denying that almost all society has virtually zero autonomy in handling financial related deal, whether internally or externally. Despite the enormous effort and time invested into the society fund, such amount often means no immediate value for the society owning it, as every bit of the fund will needed to go thought tedious flow of operation and inspection before putting into right use. Utarians would even face rejection for withdrawal of fund, and would be forced to spend precious time seeking alternative ways for raising fund as desperate measure. We have come to a mutual conclusion that student should get to decide the faith of such hard works instead of sealing them in bank indefinitely, rendering their potential to improve the quality of society. 

2. Promote the autonomy for activities content 
Apart from financial autonomy, another aspect where student’s power was always held back would be on matters regarding activity content. It is believed that student have more or less had their activity content modified. University students, like all human beings should possess distinctive individuality on opinion and ideology, hence this makes it unreasonable for treating these unique adults using the same standard as the rule for high schoolers. The society often emphasizes importance of critical thinking, creativity and all-round development, but the fact that students will keep hitting dead ends on expressing their ideas really tell a different story otherwise. We believe that campus activity will only shine with diversity when given sufficient activity autonomy. 

3. Establish communication channels for representatives of various departments 
Finally, the lack of interaction between students from various courses leads to separation of power, and this makes voice difficult to reach relevant people effectively. We wish to establish a communication channel for course representatives for exchanging feedbacks and opinion on routine basis, to stand together to bring a positive change to student benefit in general. 

We are grateful for the supportive encouragement for this period of time throughout the election for SRC, it is you who has rectified our stand and empowered our confidence to the path we are taking. 

This coming 26 August 2020, our candidate for auditors: Ke Qian and Jack Eng will need your precious vote to advance. Your support is not only a strong recognition to our vision, but also a vote for change for a better future to you and even the university as a whole. 

Let us all together witness the true potential to the power we all hold.  

多姿多彩的学社生活是许多人在大学生涯里浓墨重彩的一笔。当然想象中参加社团很 美好,可现实却很骨感,只有踏入体制之后才会惊觉原来处处是地雷。以下几点将是 我们未来在捍卫学会与社团权益上,努力推动改革的事项。 

1. 推动财政自主权 优大校内社团缺乏财务自主权的问题人尽皆知。就算社团资金都是由学生付出了时间 和劳力一点一滴累积起来的都好,该笔资金却无法自由地为社团所用,每每都需面对 校方的重重审核与限制。有时优大生甚至会面对自身社团资金申请不被批准,必须另 寻法子为社团活动找钱的窘境。我们一致认为,社团资金乃是优大生努力得来的成 果,也应有权力自由地把这份资源分配在发展社团活动之上。  

2. 推动活动内容自主权 除了财务自主权外,另一项社团长期受到钳制的权力即是活动内容自主权。相信有参 与筹办活动的朋友或多或少都遇过,只怕自身活动的构思稍有一点不合“上头”的意 思,就会被打入冷宫不受批准。大学生作为一个有着个人想法、理念、能够独立思考 的成年人群体,遵循着中学时期的标准来对待大学生显然是不合理的。社会一再强调 大学生要有批判性思维、展现创意、多方发展,可实际上学生的活动内容却处处受 限,这类双重标准的做法让人困扰。我们相信唯有推动学生的活动内容自主权,校内 活动才会百花齐放,海纳百川。  

3. 定时召开学社代表对话会 最后,校内学社长期被分而治之,难以整合成一股庞大的力量,无法有效地把声音和 不满带入体制。我们希望能推动并建立起学社代表对话会,定期召开会议交换各方意 见,凝聚大家的力量以更好地推动校内学社的发展,争取属于我们优大生的权益。 这段时间来,很感谢许多朋友们在背后的支持与鼓励,是各位让我们坚定了自身的立 场,推动着我们不断地在这条路上向前迈进。

在来临的 8 月 26 日,我们的两位候选人 ——可芊 Ke Qian 以及健宇 Jack Eng 将在学生代表会选举中竞选监察员(Auditor) 职。您为我们投下的每一票,不单只是肯定我们的理念,更是为自己、为校园许一个 不一样的未来。就让你我一同见证学生力量的可能性吧! 

826,去投票。 选择正确的声音! 让我们为你发声! 
